Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday, April 25, 2015
Permission Slips for a Field Trip to Quad City Botanical Center next Thursday, April 30th were sent home Tuesday.  They must be turned in ASAP with $3.00.  If you are interested in chaperoning, please contact a blue team teacher.  We are at maximum capacity on the busses, so additional parents may have to drive behind.

Mrs. Carlson-  none

Mrs. Cain-  Worksheet 10.2 on Parallelograms and Trapezoids

Mrs. Gress-  Period 3/4/6 - Study for Monday's Verb Test
Period 4 - finish rewriting helping verb sentences
Period 8 - None

Mr. Bruening-
Miss Dornon-
Mr. Johnson-  Complete missing work as assigned.

World History
Mrs. Cain -  none
Mrs. Hickey-  Read 8-1.  Do Vocab of 8-1 WS.  Do Check Your Understanding side of "Our Heritage... Greece"
Mrs. Reynolds-  11-2 Guided Reading

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015
Permission Slips for a Field Trip to Quad City Botanical Center next Thursday, April 30th were sent home Tuesday.  They must be turned in ASAP with $3.00.  If you are interested in chaperoning, please contact a blue team teacher.  We are at maximum capacity on the busses, so additional parents may have to drive behind.  

Mrs. Carlson-  Comprehension Questions page 216, #1-6

Mrs. Cain-  Practice 10.2

Mrs. Gress-  Periods, 3,4,6- Finish verb study guide, bring back signed recipe

Mr. Bruening-  none
Miss Dornon-  Worksheet Producing Visible Light
Mr. Johnson-

World History
Mrs. Cain -  Study for Chapter 12 Test.
Mrs. Hickey-  Study for Chapter 5 Test.  Get all makeup work done and turned in.
Mrs. Reynolds-  page 386 #1, 2, 4, 5

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Permission Slips for a Field Trip to Quad City Botanical Center next Thursday, April 30th were sent home yesterday.  They are supposed to be returned tomorrow with $3.00.  If you are interested in chaperoning, please contact a blue team teacher.

Mrs. Carlson-  Worksheet on Climate

Mrs. Cain-  Trapezoid Problems

Mrs. Gress-   Recipe Due Friday; Parent Signature Needed.
Period 4, 6 - Bingo cards need completed.

Mr. Bruening-  none
Miss Dornon-  none
Mr. Johnson-  Complete missing work as needed.

World History
Mrs. Cain -  Chapter 12 Study Guide
Mrs. Hickey-  Study for tomorrow Eggspert and Friday's test.
Mrs. Reynolds-  11-2 Vocabulary

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Permission Slips for a Field Trip to Quad City Botanical Center next Thursday, April 30th were sent home today.  If you are interested in chaperoning, please contact a blue team teacher.

Mrs. Carlson-  none

Mrs. Cain-  Parallelogram WS

Mrs. Gress-  Period 3, 4, 6 - Irregular Verb WS; Period 8 - Finish Verb Study Guide

Mr. Bruening-  Chapter 15 Key Terms
Miss Dornon-  Finish EM Wave Project if needed.
Mr. Johnson-  Complete class work.  Complete Activity 19 WS as able.

World History
Mrs. Cain -  12-4 WS
Mrs. Hickey-   Do "Our Heritage from Ancient Greece" both sides.  Greek Side due Tomorrow.  Other side due Monday.  Study for Chapter 5 Test on Friday.
Mrs. Reynolds-  10-2 GR

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday, March 20, 2015

Mrs. Carlson-  Vocab and Questions WS on Climate

Mrs. Cain-  10.1 Area of Triangle

Mrs. Gress-  Period 3,4,6 - Past/Present/Future WS; Period 8 - Irregular Verbs

Mr. Bruening-  none
Miss Dornon-  17.2 Review/Reinforce WS
Mr. Johnson-  Complete classwork

World History
Mrs. Cain -  Mongols 12-3
Mrs. Hickey-  Do Alexander's Conquest WS and study for Chapter 5 Test on Thursday.
Mrs. Reynolds-  page 378, #1, 4-5