Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012
Remember, no school Monday. Tuesday we begin regular full days 8:00-2:50

Mrs. Carlson- no homework

Miss Martin (Period 6)-no homework
Miss Martin (Periods 3, 4, 8)- #1-8

Miss Gilkeson-no homework

Miss Dickinson- variable ws

World History
Ms. Dornon (period 1)- topic: map skills
hw: packing my bag wk
Mr. Gully (period 3)-20-1 vocabulary
Miss Martin (period 7)-#1-6 Pg 15
Miss Gilkeson (period 8)-no homework
Mrs. Hickey (period 4)-study 1.1

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mrs. Carlson-no homework

Miss Martin (Period 6)-#1-8; Quiz Tomorrow
Miss Martin (Periods 3, 4, 8)- Prime WS

Miss Gilkeson (period 4)- fill out graphic organizer for personal narrative story
Miss Gilkeson (periods 3, 6, 7)-subject and predicate worksheet

Miss Dickinson- no homework

World History
Ms. Dornon (period 1)-no homework
Mr. Gully (period 3)-no homework
Miss Martin (period 7)-no homework
Miss Gilkeson (period 8)-Chapter 1 definitions (pg. 8)
Mrs. Hickey (period 4)- do backside of 1.1 (guided reading activity) and study for quiz 1.1

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mrs. Carlson- no homework

Miss Martin (Period 6)- prime ws
Miss Martin (Periods 3, 4, 8)- 1-12 , 24-33

Miss Gilkeson-Subject and predicate worksheet

Miss Dickinson- no homework

World History
Ms. Dornon (period 1)- topic: basic map skills
hw: Understanding latitude/longitude and Special Names on a Globe wks
Mr. Gully (period 3)- Finish Ch. 19 Assessment and Activities p. 756 #1-22
Miss Martin (period 7)-test tomorrow
Miss Gilkeson (period 8)- no homework
Mrs. Hickey (period 4)- finish #7 yesterday's ws; do vocab side of 1-1 ws; study notes and ws from chapter 1, section 1 (1.1)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mrs. Carlson-no homework

Miss Martin (Period 6)- Finish 1.1
Miss Martin (Periods 3, 4, 8)-#13-26

Miss Gilkeson-write down and come to class with three narrative writing topics

Miss Dickinson- section 1 assessment, page 9-questions 1 and 2

World History
Ms. Dornon (period 1)- topic: basic map skills
hw: understanding hemispheres and grids wks
Mr. Gully (period 3)- no homework
Miss Martin (period 7)-no homework
Miss Gilkeson (period 8)-study for quiz
Mrs. Hickey (period 4)-

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

Mrs. Carlson-no homework

Miss Martin (Period 6)-13-26
Miss Martin (Periods 3, 4, 8)- 3, 4, 7, 8, 10

Miss Gilkeson- no homework

Miss Dickinson- read sections 1 and 2 (pages 6-16)

World History
Ms. Dornon (period 1)- topic: basic map skills
hw: mountains, rivers and deserts wks
Mr. Gully (period 3)- no homework
Miss Martin (period 7)-finish packet
Miss Gilkeson (period 8)-latitude, longitude, and hemisphere worksheet
Mrs. Hickey (period 4)-Read Ch 1, Sec 1 and take notes in the second blue folder (Put paper in the prongs in the middle and put notes there)

What are we doing this week?
August 27-31, 2012

Mrs. Carlson- genres

Miss Martin (Period 6)-ordering rational numbers on a number line and prime factorization
Miss Martin (Periods 3, 4, 8)-ordering rational numbers on a number line

Miss Gilkeson-grammar and introducing narrative writing

Miss Dickinson-scientific method

World History
Ms. Dornon (period 1)- map skills
Mr. Gully (period 3)-World War I
Miss Martin (period 7)-finishing maps, map quiz, and beginning chapter one “The First Civilizations.”
Miss Gilkeson (period 8)-Identifying items on a map and the first civilizations
Mrs. Hickey (period 4)-Prehistory, geography skills, and geography of Africa