Happy End of the Third Quarter
Only 47 school days left!
Mrs. Carlson -no homework
Mrs. Crowl (period 1)-6 Test (if not taken Thurs); X Facts wks (for those who have not scored a 10 on X Facts tests)
Mrs. Reynolds (period 4)-8-5 WS
Mrs. Reynolds (period 7 & 8 )-10.1-10.4 Quiz
Miss Dickinson - Notables research in class; You must have your ID with you each day; recipe check due Monday
Mr. Sutton-begin summarizing assignment
Miss Dickinson-no homework
Mrs. Malcolm-no homework
Mrs. Bower-no homework
World History
Mrs. Hickey-Study 7-2 and do 7-2 WS
Mrs. Carlson-no homework
Mrs. Reynolds-11-1 Vocabulary and Section
Review (#1-5) on p. 378