Thursday, April 23, 2015
Permission Slips for a Field Trip to Quad City Botanical Center next Thursday, April 30th were sent home Tuesday. They must be turned in ASAP with $3.00. If you are interested in chaperoning, please contact a blue team teacher. We are at maximum capacity on the busses, so additional parents may have to drive behind.
Mrs. Carlson- Comprehension Questions page 216, #1-6
Mrs. Cain- Practice 10.2
Mrs. Gress- Periods, 3,4,6- Finish verb study guide, bring back signed recipe
Mr. Bruening- none
Miss Dornon- Worksheet Producing Visible Light
Mr. Johnson-
World History
Mrs. Cain - Study for Chapter 12 Test.
Mrs. Hickey- Study for Chapter 5 Test. Get all makeup work done and turned in.
Mrs. Reynolds- page 386 #1, 2, 4, 5
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