Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Mrs. Carlson- no homework

Mrs. Cain (Period 6)- first things ws
Mrs. Cain (Periods 1, 3, 4)- first things ws

Miss Gilkeson (period 8)- no homework
Miss Gilkeson (period 4, 6, 7)- no homework

Miss Dickinson- 2.1 guided reading ws

World History
Ms. Dornon-no homework
Mr. Gully- no homework
Mr. Cheesman- Chpt 1 Written Review; Chpt 1 Test on Friday
Mrs. Cain - vocab ws 1-2
Mrs. Hickey- 1. Do these pgs. in "Special Names..." map pac: "Special Names...", "Using the Map Key"   2. Finish listing all of the water features from pgs. GH 14-15