Monday, September 09, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013
1:55 PM dismissal Monday and Tuesday due to heat
1:55 PM dismissal Wednesday and Thursday for teacher workshops

Mrs. Carlson- no homework

Mrs. Cain (Period 6)- squares and roots ws
Mrs. Cain (Periods 1, 3, 4)- squares and roots ws

Miss Gilkeson (period 8)- finish favorite season paragraph
Miss Gilkeson (period 4, 6, 7)- noun ws if you didn't finish it in class

Miss Dickinson- 2.1 and 2.3 key terms

World History
Ms. Dornon- no homework
Mr. Gully-
Mr. Cheesman-
Mrs. Cain -Vocab and Guided Reading WS 1.1
Mrs. Hickey- Do "Sites of Human Remains"/Paleolithic Age" maps