Tuesday, September 03, 2013

September 3, 2013

Mrs. Carlson- study for test on Wednesday

Mrs. Cain (Period 6)- Practice 1.3 #1-24 odds
Mrs. Cain (Periods 1, 3, 4)-Practice 1.3 #1-24 odds

Miss Gilkeson (period 8)- Make a list of 15 nouns that relate to you; NOUN QUIZ FRIDAY
Miss Gilkeson (period 4, 6, 7)- Make a list of 15 nouns that relate to you; NOUN QUIZ FRIDAY

Miss Dickinson- read chapter 1, section 2 pages 10-16

World History
Ms. Dornon-Packing my Bags ws
Mr. Gully- no homework
Mr. Cheesman-
Mrs. Cain - Lines on a Map
Mrs. Hickey-Do pgs. 18 and 20 in the Geo Pac