Wednesday, April 27, 2016
EnglishMrs. Gress - Periods 1, 6, 7 - Note cards due at the end of class on Thursday!
Period 4 - No homework (Peer editing in class)
Mrs. Cain- Quiz Corrections and Optional Extra Credit
Mrs. Reynolds- Page 394
Mrs. Carlson- turn in any missing assignments
Mrs. Dornon- get grade sheet signed
Mrs. Johnson- Continue to study each night for the big chapter 9 test Friday. A detailed study guide was handed out in class today.
Mr. Johnson- make-up work, please! Do extra credit article reviews to make up for late penalties
Mrs. Totten-
World History
Mrs. Cain- Black Death Questions
Mr. Kamps- All classes Middle Ages Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, April 29th; Weapons of the Middle Ages Worksheet
Mrs. Scott-
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