Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mrs. Gress - Periods 1, 6, 7 - finish Pre-Writing Planner Outline
Period 4 - Note cards due at the end of class on Friday!

Mrs. Cain- Big Ideas 7.6 - Submit online.
Mrs. Reynolds- 8-3 WS

Mrs. Carlson- answer questions 1-20 on the study guide

Mrs. Dornon- 17.4 guided reading wk
Mrs. Johnson- Continue to study all of the motion notes from Chapter 9. Test soon.
Mr. Johnson- Quiz over radioactivity tomorrow -- study the review sheet, complete the EOS study guide! Do late work by the end of the week.
Mrs. Totten-

World History
Mrs. Cain- Vocabulary 15-3
Mr. Kamps-Prepare to present vocabulary posters tomorrow! Quiz over Middle Ages Vocabulary on 4/29
Mrs. Scott-