Tuesday, April 12, 2016
EnglishMrs. Gress - All classes - Write words 3X each; Revise and Finish and "This Day in History"s
Mrs. Cain- Finish Monster Math Linear Equation Project
Mrs. Reynolds- 8-1 WS
Mrs. Carlson- Check Skyward and turn in any missing work
Mrs. Dornon- EM Wave project
Mrs. Johnson- Study your note cards for 10 minutes with someone at home
Mr. Johnson-Please reread section 4-5 radioactivity; Complete late work! Do the extra credit crossword ASAP!
Mrs. Totten- http://stotten.weebly.com/-homework
World History
Mrs. Cain- Medieval Manor WS
Mr. Kamps- Rap due Wednesday, April 13! Present Rap for Extra Credit on April 15.
Mrs. Scott-
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