Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Mrs. Carlson- Puzzle Sheet
Mrs. Cain- Area and Perimeter WS - Remodel Dilemma & Clarence Cabin
Mrs. Gress-
3rd, 4th, 6th - linking verb worksheet
8th - Have a parent/guardian look over your recipe with you and fix any errors.
Mr. Bruening-
Miss Dornon- Finish video notes and quiz
Mr. Johnson- Missing hw has been shared with students as a view only google doc. Instructions for how to complete these was included-- please get late work done and turned in as soon as possible! Late notebooks are also due ASAP. Complete class work.
World History
Mrs. Cain - Finish 12-1
Mrs. Hickey- Study for 5-4 Quiz
Mrs. Reynolds- 10-3 Guided Reading
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