Thursday, September 15, 2011
Mrs. Carlson-no homework
Miss Martin (Period 4)-Pg 60 (7-35)
Miss Martin (Periods 6, 7, 8)-Chapter 1 Review Pg 48 evens and Retake Ch 1 Test Tomorrow
Mrs. Suarez-complete graphic organizer
World History
Ms. Dornon (period 1)- understanding hemispheres ws and latitude and longitude ws
Miss Martin (period 3)-Latitude/Longitude and Hemisphere WS
Mr. Gully (period 6)-21-2 Guided Reading
Mrs. Suarez (period 7)-worksheet on longtitude and latitude
Mrs. Hickey (period 4)-make sure any make-up/late work is turned in
Miss Dickinson- chapter 2.1 and 2.3 key terms
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