Thursday, September 01, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mrs. Carlson-no homework

Miss Martin (Period 4)-Pg 29 #12-32
Miss Martin (Periods 6, 7, 8)-Pg 31 #13-31

Mrs. Suarez- Come to open house tonight, 5:30-6:30

World History
Ms. Dornon (period 1)-1.2 Guided reading ws
Miss Martin (period 3)-1.2 Vocab and Guided Reading WS
Mr. Gully (period 6)-
Mrs. Suarez (period 7)-finish chapt. 1.2 voc. & guided reading sheet
Mrs. Hickey (period 4)-Study for the rest of the Geo Quiz; Bring your Geo Pac to hand in tomorrow!

Miss Dickinson- guided reading and review and reinforce ws 1.1