Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011
Happy Autumnal Equinox

Mrs. Carlson - comprehension packet

Miss Martin (Period 4)-Page 76 (#11-37)
Miss Martin (Periods 6, 7, 8)-page 127 (#10-36)  

Mrs. Suarez-no homework

World History
Ms. Dornon (period 1)-no homework
Miss Martin (period 3)-2.1 vocab and guided reading ws 
Mr. Gully (period 6)-Begin studying for test next week by using study guide
Mrs. Suarez (period 7)-no homework
Mrs. Hickey (period 4)-Finish WS, "Achievements of the Stone Age"/"Prehistoric...Alps"; Finish Africa map and STUDY it

Miss Dickinson- two 2.3 worksheets