Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mrs. Carlson-write up interview

Mrs Reynolds(Period 4)-5-1 WS
Mrs Reynolds(Period 6 and 7)-5-5 WS
Mrs. Crowl (period 1)-p. 273 (7-26, 29, 30) Write problems vertically!

Miss Dickinson- narrative essay due tomorrow; English packet due 11/4

World History
Mrs. Hickey-Finish crossword if not done
Read 2-4 and do just the vocab side of the WS

Miss Dickinson(period 2)-1-6 worksheet; read and answer questions
Mr. Young (period 3)-Volume Packet
Mr. Bates (period 6)-no homework
Mr. Johnson/Mrs. Allert (period 8)-Finish Lab sheet as needed