Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010
Only 2 months until Christmas!

Mrs. Carlson-no homework

Mrs Reynolds(Period 4)-pp. 207-208 (#1-23)
Mrs Reynolds(Period 6 and 7)-p. 241 (#1-29)
Mrs. Crowl (period 1)-Quiz; X Facts wks (2-sided)

Miss Dickinson- first narrative essay due Wednesday

World History
Mrs. Hickey-Do most of both sides of the crossword “History of Egypt”

Miss Dickinson(period 2)-mass quiz tomorrow; review your papers
Mr. Young (period 3)-no homework
Mr. Bates (period 6)-Key terms for section 1.

Mr. Johnson/Mrs. Allert (period 8)-finish lab sheet if needed