Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday, November 23rd, 2015

Early dismissal (1:55) Wednesday, November 25th
No school Thursday, November 26th or Friday, November 27th

Mrs. Gress - Period 1, 6, 7- Fix Narratives; Final copies due tomorrow!
Period 4 - no homework

Mrs. Cain- Rate problems in Notebook, Corrections
Mrs. Reynolds-Finish practice set - posted in GC

Mrs. Carlson- study for quiz over Eleanor Roosevelt

Mrs. Dornon- Study for 2.1, 2.3, and 2.4 Test
Mrs. Johnson- Study/review notes/vocab for Ch. 2 for 15 minutes every night.
Mr. Johnson- Quiz Wednesday over pg. 34-42 plus chemical formulas; Read 41-42 twice and apply these ideas to the puzzle of the 10 pictures from today's class
Mrs. Totten- Study for test - turn in study guide before test

World History
Mrs. Cain- Aesop's Fables in GC
Mr. Kamps- no homework
Mrs. Scott-