Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

Mrs. Gress -
Period 1, 6, 7- Picture Perfect Plurals - colored, cut out, pasted into notebook; Notebook check tomorrow!
Period 4 - Noun Test Wednesday!

Mrs. Cain- Division Worksheet
Mrs. Reynolds- Finish WS on Prime Factorization and complete WSQ on GCF

Mrs. Carlson- Finish POV worksheets

Mrs. Dornon- graphing worksheet
Mrs. Johnson- Study section 1.2 each night; test next week
Mr. Johnson- Complete and turn in late work; Read 1.2 twice and complete reading notes; Study key terms from the year so far
Mrs. Totten- Study guide and parent signature

World History
Mrs. Cain- Guided Reading 1-2
Mr. Kamps-
Mrs. Scott- Study for Ch.1 test Friday