Friday, May 08, 2015

Friday, May 8, 2015
We will be taking End of Year PARCC tests Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday next week.  Please be sure your child charges his/her Chromebook each night.  Also, a good night's rest and eating breakfast would be a wise choice.  Midterms will be posted next week.

Mrs. Carlson-  none

Mrs. Cain-  none

Mrs. Gress-  none

Mr. Bruening-  Chapter 9, Section 2 Assessment
Miss Dornon-  Speed/Distance and Time WS
Mr. Johnson-

World History
Mrs. Cain -  13-3 Vocabulary
Mrs. Hickey-  Read 8-4 and Do 8-4 Vocabulary
Mrs. Reynolds-  page 422, #1, 3-5