Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015
PARCC Testing - Bring your Chromebooks fully charged.  Get a good night's rest.  Eat breakfast.  
Homework may be minimal this week.  Teachers are doing their best to plan in class activities. 

Mrs. Carlson-Complete any makeup work this week.  All late/missing work from February 2nd and March will be accepted.

Mrs. Cain-  Passing Time WS

Mrs. Gress-

Mr. Bruening-  none
Miss Dornon-  none
Mr. Johnson-

World History
Mrs. Cain -  Finish 9-2
Mrs. Hickey-   Do page 10 with essays.  Chapter 4 Study Guide.  Make sure the whole study guide is finished by tomorrow.  Chapter 4 Test is next Wednesday.
Mrs. Reynolds-  9-1 GR