Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Mrs. Carlson-  none

Mrs. Cain-  Absolute Value WS 2.2 #1-17
Period 6 - Absolute Value WS 2.2 #1-18

Mrs. Gress-  Period 3, 4, 6 - Write spelling words 3 x each.
Period 8 - Write spelling words 3 x each.  Finish I Have a Dream, Too Speech

Mr. Bruening-  Chapter 4, Section 2 Project Presentation
Miss Dornon-  Guided Reading WS for Nonmetals and Metalloids
Mr. Johnson-   Quiz Next Tuesday.  Study early, study often!

World History
Mrs. Cain - 7-2 Vocabulary
Mrs. Hickey-  Read 3-3 and 3-3 Vocabulary
Mrs. Reynolds-  6-3 Vocabulary