Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Mrs. Carlson- none

Mrs. Cain- Quantify Me Poster due Friday.  Bring composition notebook tomorrow.

Mrs. Gress-  Letter to teacher

Mr. Bruening-
Miss Dornon-  Bring paper bag to class Friday
Mr. Johnson-  Signature on class expectations.  Bring paper bag.   Try logging onto science book if you have Internet at home.

World History
Mrs. Cain -  Continent and Ocean Quiz on Friday
Mrs. Hickey-  Write a story about you to accomplish a mission in a city with no laws or rules. It should be three paragraphs with correct spelling and punctuation.
Mrs. Reynolds-  Scavenger Hunt p.xxviii

Remember:  Bring $16 so you can buy 2 ducks and a Churchill tee shirt at lunch tomorrow.