Tuesday, October 15, 2013
End of the 1st Quarter Friday!
Early dismissal Friday
Mrs. Carlson- no homework
Mrs. Cain (Period 6)- Problem Solving WS 54 AND Dream Catcher
Mrs. Cain (Periods 1, 3, 4)- Problem Solving WS 54
Please bring your colored pencils to English class this week.
Miss Gilkeson (period 8)- no homework
Miss Gilkeson (period 4, 6, 7)-no homework
Miss Dickinson- 3.2 RR ws
World History
Ms. Dornon- 2.3 vocab ws
Mr. Gully- Workbook Activity 1
Mr. Cheesman- C3 S3 Flip Chart
Mrs. Cain - Egyptian Gods Packet
Mrs. Hickey- STUDY for the Ch 1 TEST, which is tomorrow!!
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