Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mrs. Carlson- no homework

Miss Martin (Period 6)- chapter 2 review
Miss Martin (Periods 3, 4, 8)- chapter 2 review

Miss Gilkeson (period 4 and 7) - finish 10 sentences
Miss Gilkeson (period 3 and 6)-finish acrostic poem and adjective worksheet

Miss Dickinson- no homework

World History
Ms. Dornon (period 1)- no homework
Mr. Gully (period 3)- no homework
Miss Martin (period 7)- no homework
Miss Gilkeson (period 8)-no homework
Mrs. Hickey (period 4)- Finish WS, “Phillip and Alexander…” ;   Study for Ch 5 TEST (postponed until tomorrow)