Monday, November 15, 2010
Mrs. Carlson-take home quiz
Mrs Reynolds(Period 4)-6-1 WS
Mrs Reynolds(Period 6 and 7)-p. 279 (#1-24)
Mrs. Crowl (period 1)-p. 336 (10-22 all, 27-39 odd) Show work!; 7.1-7.5 Test Thursday!
Miss Dickinson-permission slip for field trip; pronoun packet due 11/23; some of you have essay corrections
World History
Mrs. Hickey-Do questions 1-6 on P. 92. #7 is E.C. (As many of the paragraphs as you wish) Label E.C; Projects due Thursday!!
Miss Dickinson(period 2)-2.2 TEST tomorrow-Study!!!
Mr. Young (period 3)-
Mr. Bates (period 6)-
Mr. Johnson/Mrs. Allert (period 8)-1. Volume Practice wkst; 2. Study for Volume quiz
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