Monday, October 04, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010
Only 2 more weeks until the end of the 1st Quarter

Mrs. Carlson-finish concrete/sensory detail graphic organizer

Mrs Reynolds(Period 4)-p. 166 (#11-28)
Mrs Reynolds(Period 6 and 7)-p. 178 (#12-29)
Mrs. Crowl (period 1)-p. 217 (13-24, 49-53, 56-59)

Miss Dickinson-Knowing your Dictionary WS

World History
Mrs. Hickey-Finish Ch 1 Study Guide; Study Middle East Map (Quiz Thursday); Study Ch 1 (TEST Friday)

Miss Dickinson(period 2)- read 2.2 (44-48); do GR 2.2 ws
Mr. Young (period 3)-
Mr. Bates (period 6)-
Mr. Johnson/Mrs. Allert (period 8)-2.1 Review and Reinforce wkst