Monday, March 08, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mrs. Carlson -crossword puzzle

Mrs. Crowl (period 1)-X Test soon (everyone takes it!; Fraction wks (grade)

Mrs. Reynolds (period 4)-Text pp. 371-72 (#8-32)
Mrs. Reynolds (period 7 & 8 )-Text p. 64 (#6-25)

Miss Dickinson -Notables choice sheet

Mr. Sutton-begin thinking of project ideas
Miss Dickinson- read pages 520-527; do guided reading 15.3 worksheet
Mrs. Malcolm-16.1 and 16.2 vocabulary
Mrs. Bower-GRWS ch16s4 due Wednesday (3/10)

World History
Mrs. Hickey-Study for Ch 5 TEST (on Wednesday)
Mrs. Carlson-ch. 10 section 1 vocab
Mrs. Reynolds-10-1 Vocabulary and Section Review (#1-5) on p. 350