Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mrs. Carlson -finish extended response

Mrs. Crowl (period 1)-p. 439 (11-18, 20-31, 38)
Mrs. Reynolds (period 4)-7-3 WS
Mrs. Reynolds (period 7 & 8 )-9-2 WS

Miss Dickinson -Have a pleasure reading book; groups B and C have essay corrections

Mr. Sutton-acceleration lab questions
Miss Dickinson-study guide; chapter 4 test Friday-Study!
Mrs. Malcolm-
Mrs. Bower-Ch 15 study guide due Friday
Study for Friday’s test (ch15)

World History
Mrs. Hickey-Finish 5-2 T-terms and Vocabulary side of WS 5-2
Mrs. Carlson-chapter 8 review
Mrs. Reynolds-8-4 WS