Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Mrs. Carlson (periods 2, 3, & 4)-Article due Wednesday
Mrs. Carlson (period 8)-Article due Wednesday
Mrs. Crowl (period 1)-p. 156-157 (12-15, 16-26 even, 30-33 all) Show all work!
Mrs. Reynolds (period 4)-no assignment
Mrs. Reynolds (period 7 & 8 )-5-1 WS
Miss Dickinson (periods 2, 4, & 7)-no assignment
Miss Dickinson (period 6)-no assignment
Mr. Sutton-pg. 117, 1-3
Miss Dickinson-metric conversion worksheet
Mrs. Malcolm-displacement worksheet
Mrs. Bower-GRWS ch3sec1- due Thurs
World History
Mrs. Hickey-Study for the Ch 2, Sec 2 quiz (tomorrow) and the Ch 2 TEST Thursday. Do the 3 questions on the Study Guide about Kush (#46, 58, and 61). Keep for studying, but to hand in Thursday
Mrs. Carlson-section 4 vocab
Mrs. Reynolds-4-3 Vocabulary and Sect. Rev. (#1-3) on p. 137
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